Wunapuo I & II & III
  lll. Application Instruction
  A. Before WUNAPUO is applied to the pond  
  1. Pond water transparency should be lower than 20 cm.
  2. To increase the water transparency by producing more plankton. Application of WUNAPUO is available both in the day time and night time.

  1. Dissolve WUNAPUO completely in a container of pond water and broadcast evenly in the pond.
  2. The Dosage should be 30 kg of WUNAPUO per hectare-pond at 1 meter water depth. Application frequency should be once every 15 days.
  3. Proportionately adjust the dosage of WUNAPUO if the water level is higher or lower than one meter depth.
  4. Proportionately adjust the dosage of WUNAPUO if the stocking density is higher or lower than 30 - 40 shrimp/ square meter.
  B. After WUNAPUO is applied to the pond, follow the steps states blow.  
  1. Turn on all the paddlewheel aerators in the pond continuously for 24 hours to facilitate mixing of WUNAPUO into the pond water and realize the results faster.
  1. Pond water quality and environment will immediately improve as soon as WUNAPUO is applied. Closely record the feed consumption of the shrimps. It is normal for the shrimps to decrease their appetite on the first day after WANAPUO application. The feed consumption will begin to increase from the second day onwards.
  1. Large volume water exchange will not be necessary because good water quality will be maintained with periodic application of WUNAPUO. Some water replenishment of 2 cm to 5 am per day will however be necessary to make up for losses due to evaporation.
  1. Keep a close record of the conditions of the water (Transparency, algal bloom and etc.) as well as the physical appearance and state of shrimps (smoothness of color of the shell, firmness of the body and active movements of shrimps). No need to wait until the harvest, within 7 days, note the dramatic differences before and after the application of WUNAPUO.
  1. Using Water Treatment Additive to improve and maintain the pond water is essential and as important as formulated feed to the feeding and paddlewheel aerator to the aeration. The application of WUNAPUO is easy and simple, without leaving harmful and toxic residues.